Read more: Members may have trouble getting meds at some pharmacies.

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Read more: OHP Bridge program benefits explained on your member resources page.

Nutrition and activity

Your body is your most important asset. Treat it well.


Healthy eating can be easy, quick, and budget-friendly. Here are some simple tips on how to eat better:

  • Get your fruits and veggies. A variety of fruits and vegetables every day gets you vitamins and minerals that help protect you from disease.
  • Don’t drink your calories. Avoid drinks with a lot of calories, sugar, fat or alcohol. Drinking more water keeps you hydrated, keeps you from drinking less-healthy options and can help you take in fewer calories each day.
  • Avoid processed foods. About 75% of the salt in our diet comes from processed and restaurant foods. Read labels on frozen foods, bread and pasta. Choose whole, fresh fruits and vegetables when you can.
  • Practice portion control. Sometimes how much you eat is more important than what you eat. If you often go back for seconds, try skipping extra portions.
  • Slow down when you eat. It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to send the message to your brain that it’s full. When you eat more slowly, you eat less.

Local food resources

Several resources are available to help you have enough food. Here are some of the local options.

  • WIC (Women, Infants and Children) is a nationwide public health nutrition program. Oregon Health Plan (OHP) members qualify for WIC if they’re pregnant, recently gave birth, breastfeeding or caring for a child under 5 years old. Dads, grandparents or guardians may also apply for WIC for their children. Your county handles WIC applications and services. To find out more, check your county’s WIC website.
  • SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) benefits are available through the state of Oregon. SNAP provides funds to help families and older people buy food, so they can spend money on other needs. You can learn more and apply for SNAP benefits here.
  • Food banks throughout Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook counties provide food for local people in need. You can visit or contact the food banks for help. This list is not complete, but includes some of the larger food banks in the area:

Physical activity

Physical activity is anything that gets your body moving. Most adults need 150 minutes of aerobic activity every week. That could be 30 minutes five days a week, or a little over 20 minutes each day. Activities like biking, swimming or fast walking help strengthen your heart. They may reduce your risk of many chronic health conditions (meaning they go on for a long time and often don’t go away completely).

Include your kids in your activities! Children need 60 minutes of aerobic activity each day.

Here’s a list of places for physical activity in our area. Each of these places offer financial help to those who qualify.

Other resources


Let us help you

Send us a secure message through our Member Portal at Or, call us at 503-488-2822, toll-free 855-722-8206 or TTY 711. We can help connect you to food resources. 




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