Read more: Members may have trouble getting meds at some pharmacies.

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First Steps

Pregnant womanFirst Steps Logo

Hello, pregnant members!

Welcome to First Steps, a great start for you and
your baby.

Every day of your pregnancy is a chance to do things that build your baby’s brain and body. You can count on us at Columbia Pacific CCO to help give your baby the best possible start.

First Steps is being phased out in 2023 and closed to new registrants as of January 1, 2023. If your enrollment start is on or before December 31, 2022, you will keep receiving your rewards during and after your pregnancy.

What is First Steps?

Columbia Pacific offers this free program to reward you for making healthy choices during your pregnancy.  We care about you and your baby.

How First Steps helps

We support you in taking the time to be good to yourself and your baby. When you take steps that make pregnancies healthier, you’ll earn gift cards to buy items your baby needsNice, right?

We’ll also help you buy diapers and other useful baby gear. You can earn gift cards through First Steps, and your order will be delivered right to your front door.

Earn gift cards!

Note: Members cannot receive more than $450 per calendar year, due to IRS limits.

Reward activities include:

  • $10 for every prenatal appointment (up to 15 appointments)
  • $25 for having your first prenatal appointment before your 12th week of pregnancy
  • $25 for reducing tobacco use
  • $25 for quitting tobacco use
  • $10 for visiting the dentist while pregnant
  • $20 for compete car seat fitting service
  • $10 for a home nursing visit (up to 10 visits)
  • $10 for breastfeeding counseling (up to 10 sessions)
  • $15 for a visit with a social worker
  • $10 for a postpartum visit (up to two visits)
  • $10 for a visit with Healthy Families

Important: To qualify for rewards, you must enroll in the program online and track your activities and incentives using the checklist below. As you complete your incentive, there are two ways to redeem gift cards:

  1. If you are receiving services at one of the partners listed below, they will upload incentives for you.
  2. If you are receiving services elsewhere, please email the dates that your activities were completed.

Please note that you can join the program up until delivery and incentives will be backdated.

Our First Steps partners include:

  • Providence Medical Group Seaside
  • Adventist Tillamook Medical Group
  • Tillamook County Community Health Centers
  • Columbia Memorial Hospital Women's Center 
  • OHSU Scappoose
  • Columbia Health Services
  • Community Action Team (Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook)

Have questions or comments about the First Steps program? Email us at

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