Read more: Members may have trouble getting meds at some pharmacies.

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Read more: OHP Bridge program benefits explained on your member resources page.

Health screenings

Preventive care means seeing your provider even when you’re not sick. It’s often key to staying healthy. Preventive care helps find problems while they’re still easiest to fix. And preventive care offers peace of mind when you have a health screening that shows you’re fine. That’s why regular health screenings and physical exams are an important part of wellness. Columbia Pacific CCO covers routine physical exams with your provider and many types of health screening tests.

Types of screenings available

Click on a link below to learn about different kinds of screenings. Columbia Pacific covers many types of screenings.

If you need a screening or a test, contact your primary care provider (PCP). Or, call Columbia Pacific Customer Service at 503-488-2822, toll-free 855-722-8206 or TTY 711, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. You can also send us a secure message through our Member Portal at



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